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Goodbye, Hudson Catholic

Goodbye, Hudson Catholic

| On 15, May 2019

A Farewell Letter from Pamela Rodriguez ’19, Editor-in-Chief

There aren’t enough words to describe the last four years of my life. The memories all flood into my mind when I try to think of just one particular moment that sums it all up. It’s impossible to choose from the countless nights spent studying to the tear-jerking laughs that were shared amongst friends. These and all the other times in between are the entirety of my high school experience. I am not the same person I was when this all started. Looking back, it doesn’t even make sense to think that I was anyone other than who I am now. I guess that’s a good thing. Growth is what they call it. 

However, as I self-evaluate today, I can’t help but feel that I am still that same person, just in a different light. A few things have changed, like my hair color, my opinions, even my friends. But others remain the same: my anxiety, my insecurities, and my uncertainty towards the next four years of my life. To be fair, I don’t think these are factors that are brushed away so easily. I’ve still got a way to go, but moving on doesn’t feel right until I’ve reminisced on what I already lived.

More than anything else, I want to say thank you. Thank you to the friends I made who made me realize that there’s more to people than you think. Thank you to the teachers who’ve taught me not only their respective subjects but also the value of learning. And most importantly, thank you to the girl I was freshman year, as it’s due to her that I’ve grown into who I am today. There’s still a lot I have yet to see and discover, but I’m grateful for all that I know now.

My memories from Hudson Catholic are ones that I’ll look back to and cherish. Although it still seems mind-boggling how it’s all in the past now, a smile still appears on my face when I think of my time here. I will never forget the person that I was, and I hope that you won’t either. Goodbye, Hudson Catholic.

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